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Article: Pearlwort


Common Name


Scientific Name

Sagina procumbens





Seasons of Growth

Spring / Summer / Autumn

Key Distinguishing Feature

Tiny white star like flowers.

Pearlwort is a dense low growing dicot weed with smooth slender stems rooting at the nodes with oppositely arranged, thin grassy like leaves up to 14mm long. The heavily branched stems form a mat-like growth habit that forms thick ground cover.

Small flowers appear in spring, summer and autumn and are a small, inconspicuous flower with green sepals and tiny white petals. Flowers remain closed in bud and bloom briefly. Pearlwort is propagated mainly through seed but can also grow from vegetative parts.

Key Products for Control:

Contra M Duo - 65mL/100sqm *Not safe for Buffalo lawns

Please contact the LawnPride Support Team to discuss alternative options.
Contact us via email:, or Phone: +61 479 086 039.

For 6-months weed germination prevention, we recommend Pre-Emergent Herbicides, such as; Spartan, Barricade, or Onset.

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