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Indigo Rejuvenate 10L. Flupropanate

Sale price$1,133.00

Group 0 Herbicide

ProForce Rejuvenate Herbicide contains 745g/L of the active ingredient Flupropanate and is registered for the control of grass weeds in a range of situations including industrial, urban open space, woodlands, roadsides, nature reserves and non-crop situations. ProForce Rejuvenate Herbicide is registered to control Parramatta Grasses, Rats Tail Fescue, Needle grasses, Serrated Tussock, Coolotai grass, Paspalum, Kikuyu, Couch, Columbus Grass, African Feathergrass, African Lovegrass, Rats Tail Grasses and Johnson Grass. ProForce Rejuvenate Herbicide is an Aqueous Concentrate formulation and is available in a 10L pack size.


Weeds Controlled:

  • Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum)
  • Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum)
  • Couch Grass (Cynodon dactylon)
  • African Feathergrass (Pennisetum macrourum)
  • Parramatta Grass (Sporobolus spp.)
  • Giant Parramatta Grass (Sporobolus fertilis)
  • Giant Rat’s Tail Grass (Sporobolus pyramidalis)
  • Sporobolus natalensis
  • African Love Grass (Eragrostis curvula)
  • Rat’s Tail Grasses (Sporobolus spp.)
  • Coolatai Grass (Hyparrhenia spp.)
  • Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma)
  • Needle Grasses (Nassella neesiana, N. leucotricha, N. hyalina, N. charruana, N. tenuissima)
  • Johnson Grass (Sorghum halepense)
  • Columbus Grass (Sorghum almum)


Key Features:

  • Reliable control of hard to kill grass weeds. The active ingredient is a
    proven performer.
  • Broad spectrum control of problematic grasses.
  • Slow acting herbicide which kills the plant thoroughly.
  • Long residual performance.
  • Unique mode of action group. Good rotational tool.
  • Registered for use in a broad range of non-crop, industrial and
    pasture situations.
  • Current APVMA permits in place in various states for Bamboo, Buffel
    Grass, Mossman River Grass and Annual Mission Grass.


Maximising Performance:

  • In spot spraying situations, spray thoroughly to run-off with the recommended dilution rates for each weed species.
  • In ground spraying applications ensure that the spray completely wets all leaf surfaces.
  • Don’t apply this product to steeply sloping sites when applying high rates recommended for perennial grass control.
  • Don’t spray near desirable trees.
  • This product is very slow-acting and control of existing growth will take 3-12 months depending on weather conditions and senescence of plant foliage.
  • The actual length of satisfactory residual control will depend on soil type and rainfall until regeneration occurs from grass seed or surviving rhizomes.
  • Rejuvenate Herbicide is liable to leaching and movement in the soil under heavy rainfall or irrigation, and dry conditions favour its persistence in the soil.
  • Avoid use in channels and drains and where roots of desirable plants may extend; and in other situations where desirable plants grow close to the treated area.
  • Control of grasses growing in shaded conditions may be reduced.
  • Subterranean Clover and other annual legumes may be damaged by this product if exposed to the spray or if they germinate before product residues have dissipated from the soil. Don’t treat pasture-land with this product more than once per year.
  • Addition of 100mL of a non-ionic surfactant (600g/L) per 100 litres of spray or equivalent is recommended.
  • Desirable pasture species such as phalaris, cocksfoot, ryegrass, red and white clovers, subterranean clovers and lucerne may be sown after at least 100mm of leaching rain has fallen. If drought conditions prevail defer sowing until next season.


Mode of Action:

Flupropanate is a systemic herbicide that works by being absorbed through the roots and leaves of plants, and then translocated to other parts of the plant. Flupropanate is a chlorocarbonic acid herbicide that inhibits lipid synthesis (a biochemical pathway). Lipids provide energy for metabolic processes within plants and are structural components of membranes. When lipids production is prevented, cell development halts and plant function slows, with eventual death resulting. The active ingredient becomes effective after sufficient rainfall mobilises the active into the root zone where it is absorbed by the target grass. Flupropanate is a slow-acting herbicide that can take up to 12 months to kill a plant. It can also prevent or limit the growth of new seedlings for 2-3 years.

Indigo Rejuvenate 10L. Flupropanate
Indigo Rejuvenate 10L. Flupropanate Sale price$1,133.00

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