Envu Esplanade Indaziflam
Group 29 Herbicide
Esplanade Herbicide has been developed specifically for the Vegetation Management (VM) industry, and in Australia, is intended to be used around railroads, roadsides, industrial sites and utility corridors. For additional information, please watch the video below.
Esplanade is a pre-emergent herbicide featuring an entirely new mode of action, thereby increasing the suite of options available to Vegetation Managers and will be a new tool in assisting with the prevention or delay of herbicide resistance.
Key Features:
Because Esplanade has a unique mode of action, it is very effective against weed species that have developed resistance to other commonly-used herbicides. Additionally, the length of control provided by Esplanade is excellent, long-lasting residual even under difficult conditions. This reduces the number of applications needed in a season and gives applicators the flexibility they need – saving time and money. These use rates are much lower than other pre-emergence herbicides.
Key Benefits:
With long-term residual control of over 30 weed species in Australia, including grasses, broadleaf weeds and annual sedges. Outstanding residual control means fewer post-emergent herbicide applications, resulting in less early-season mowing and reduced labour and fuel costs Perfect for maintaining roadside grasses or other large acreage projects where low-maintenance vegetation or erosion control is desired. A more sustainable solution because it requires less active ingredient than traditional chemistry.
Weeds Controlled:
Grass Weeds (Poaceae Family)
Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum)
Crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris)
Crowsfoot Grass (Eleusine indica)
Pale Pigeon Grass (Setaria pumila)
Panic Veldt Grass (Ehrharta erecta)
Silvergrass (Vulpia bromoides)
Summer Grass (Digitaria sanguinalis)
Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum)
Wild Oats (Avena sativa)
Windmill Grass (Chloris truncata)
Winter Grass (Poa annua)
Yorkshire Fog Grass / Fog Grass (Holcus lanatus)
2. Broadleaf Weeds
Asthma Weed (Euphorbia hyssopifolia, Euphorbia hirta)
Billy Goat Weed (Ageratum houstonianum)
Burr Medic (Medicago polymorpha)
Canadian Fleabane (Conyza canadensis)
Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula)
Catsear / Dandelion / Flatweed (Hypochaeris radicata)
Chickweed (Stellaria media)
Clover (Trifolium spp.)
Cobbler’s Pegs (Bidens pilosa)
Paterson’s Curse (Echium plantagineum)
Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium)
Sow Thistle / Milk Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
Thickhead (Crassocephalum crepidioides)
3. Sedge and Rush Weeds
Tall Sedge (Carex appressa)
Toadrush (Juncus bufonius)
Knobby Club Rush (Ficinia nodosa)
Esplanade Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide that offers long-lasting control of over 30 species of annual grass and broadleaf weeds and sedges at a low application rate. Esplanade is used primarily in vegetation management (VM) applications such as railroads, utility substations and roadside rights-of way, among others. Esplanade may also be used pre-plant and post-plant for weed control in forestry plantations.
500g/L Indaziflam
Please refer to label for additional information.
When opening the container, mixing, loading and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing). If applying by equipment carried on the back of the user wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. Wash hands after use. After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.
Refer to label for additional information.
Comments: Apply pre-emergence of weeds. Use this product in combination with a partner herbicide if weeds have germinated at time of application or if the weed spectrum is not covered by use of Esplanade alone.
1. Non-crop areas around buildings, commercial and industrial areas for maintenance of bare ground, e.g. public service areas, rights of way, rail tracks, roadsides, guideposts, powerlines, substations, airports, public utilities and fence lines and grazed areas in and around these sites.
150mL/ha or 30mL/100L
Apply this product prior to weed seed germination. Do not exceed 300 mL/ha (150 g a.i./ha) in a 12-month period after the previous application. Do not re-apply within six months of the first application. For control of emerged weeds, use this product in combination with a contact herbicide. Refer to the General Instructions. Application to hard surfaces such as paved parking lots and walkways should be made by spot application only.
2. Grassed areas on roadsides, airports, utility rights of way, median and centre strips.
150mL/ha or 30mL/100L
Apply this product to promote the growth of warm-season grasses. See Tolerant Species table in the General Instructions. Grass should be in robust and healthy condition at the time of treatment. Apply this product prior to germination of the weeds. Ensure adequate coverage for optimum weed control.
3. Rehabilitation and restoration of desirable vegetation in natural and non-crop areas, e.g. those impacted by fire, mining, erosion, logging or infrastructure projects.
150mL/ha or 30mL/100L
Apply this product prior to weed seed germination. Do not exceed 300 mL/ha (150 g a.i./ha) in a 12-month period after the previous application. Do not re-apply within six months of the first application. Grass should be in a robust and healthy condition at the time of treatment. For control of emerged weeds, use this product in combination with a contact herbicide. Refer to the General Instructions. Ensure adequate coverage for optimum weed control. See Tolerant Species table in the General Instructions.
4. Forestry – Pre-plant application Radiata pine (Pinus radiata), Tasmanian bluegum (Eucalyptus globulus), Shining gum (Eucalyptus nitens), Hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis)
Apply this product once pre-planting. DO NOT apply to Eucalyptus plantations postplanting. Apply to bare ground prior to weed seed germination. If weeds are present, add a knockdown or other partner herbicide as a tank mix. Refer to the General Instructions.
5. Forestry – Post-plant application Radiata pine (Pinus radiata)
Apply this product once from two weeks to two months post-planting. Apply to bare ground prior to weed seed germination. If weeds are present, add a knockdown or other partner herbicide as a tank mix. Refer to the General Instructions.
Apply Esplanade prior to weed seed germination. Esplanade does not generally control weeds that have emerged. For maximum weed control, the herbicide needs to reach the soil surface and be activated by rainfall or adequate soil moisture. Factors including soil type, rainfall and the amount of vegetation at the time of treatment may affect weed control. Control may be reduced if the product is not activated by rainfall prior to weed germination.
FORESTRY: The level of weed control is dependent on many variables including soil texture, moisture, temperature, weed species present, the amount of weed seed present in the soil and the crop canopy. Weed control activity may be reduced if the application is made to soil covered in heavy crop or weed debris that prevents a uniform distribution of the product reaching the soil. Removing debris prior to application will facilitate contact with soil.
Esplanade may be tank mixed with the following herbicide active ingredients but not limited to: glyphosate, hexazinone, metsulfuron-methyl, simazine and sulfometuronmethyl. Apply mixtures so that the spray solution covers the soil surface in a uniform manner. If uniform coverage is not achieved pre-emergent activity will be inconsistent. See also the Compatibility section of this label.
Refer to label for additional information.
- Annual ryegrass Lolium rigidum
- Asthma weed Euphorbia hyssopifolia, Euphorbia hirta - Billy goat weed Ageratum houstonianum
- Burr medic Medicago polymorpha
- Canadian fleabane Conyza canadensis
- Capeweed Arctotheca calendula
- Catsear,
- Dandelion,
- Flatweed Hypochaeris radicata
- Chickweed Stellaria media
- Clover Trifolium sp.
- Cobbler’s pegs Bidens pilosa
- Crabgrass Digitaria ciliaris
- Crowsfoot grass Eleusine indica
- Jersey Cudweed Helichrysum luteoalbum
- Knobby club rush Ficinia nodosa
- Pale pigeon grass Setaria pumila
- Panic veldt grass Ehrharta erecta
- Paterson’s curse Echium plantagineum
- Scotch thistle Onopordum acanthium
- Silvergrass Vulpia bromoides
- Silvery hair grass Aira cupaniana
- Soft brome Bromus molis
- Sow thistle, Milk thistle Sonchus oleraceus
- Spear thistle Cirsium vulgare
- Summer grass Digitaria sanguinalis
- Sweet vernal grass Anthoxanthum odoratum
- Tall sedge Carex appressa
- Thickhead Crassocephalum crepidioides
- Toadrush Juncus bufonius
- Wild oats Avena sativa
- Windmill grass Chloris truncata
- Winter grass Poa annua
- Yorkshire fog, fog grass Holcus lanatus
SITUATIONS ----------
1. Non-crop areas around buildings, commercial and industrial areas for maintenance of bare ground, e.g. public service areas, rights of way, rail tracks, roadsides, guideposts, powerlines, substations, airports, public utilities and fence lines and grazed areas in and around these sites.
Weeds Controlled:
Various broadleaf weeds and grasses. Refer to Weeds Table in the General Instructions.
2. Grassed areas on roadsides, airports, utility rights of way, median and centre strips.
Weeds Controlled:
Various broadleaf weeds and grasses. Refer to Weeds Table in the General Instructions.
3. Rehabilitation and restoration of desirable vegetation in natural and non-crop areas, e.g. those impacted by fire, mining, erosion, logging or infrastructure projects.
Weeds Controlled:
Various broadleaf weeds and grasses. Refer to Weeds Table in the General Instructions.
4. Forestry – Pre-plant application Radiata pine (Pinus radiata), Tasmanian bluegum (Eucalyptus globulus), Shining gum (Eucalyptus nitens), Hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis)
Weeds Controlled:
Various broadleaf weeds and grasses. Refer to Weeds Table in the General Instructions.
5. Forestry – Post-plant application Radiata pine (Pinus radiata)
Weeds Controlled:
Various broadleaf weeds and grasses. Refer to Weeds Table in the General Instructions.
Esplanade Herbicide is a member of the Group 29 herbicides (alkylazines) and has the inhibitor of cell wall [cellulose] synthesis mode of action. For weed resistance management Esplanade is a Group 29 herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Esplanade, and other Group 29 herbicides, may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. These resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Esplanade or other Group 29 Page 11 herbicides. DO NOT rely exclusively on Esplanade for weed control. Use as part of an integrated weed management program involving herbicides with other modes of action and non-chemical methods of control. Since occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use 2022 Environmental Science AU Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Esplanade to control resistant weeds.
The following species are known to be tolerant to pre and/or post-planting applications of Esplanade.
Established Tolerant Grasses
- Bahia grass Paspalum notatum
- Buffalo grass Stenotaphrum secundatum
- Common couch, hybrid couches Cynodon dactylon
- Kikuyu Pennisetum clandestinum
- Queensland Blue Couch Digitaria didactyla
- Zoysia Zoysia spp.
Forest Species pre-plant application
- African mahogany Khaya senegalensis
- Hoop pine Araucaria cunninghamii
- Shining gum Eucalyptus nitens
- Tasmanian bluegum Eucalyptus globulus
Forest Species pre- and post-plant application
- Radiata pine Pinus radiata
Greenway Weed Solutions has a distribution centre in QLD only. All orders, Australia-wide will be shipped from this location.
Shipping is free on all online orders. Bulk purchase shipping rates are determined by total order weight and delivery location.
Pickups are available from the QLD warehouse. Updates to product availability in other Australian warehouses are upcoming.
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