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Adama Uragan WG 5kg. Bromacil

Sale price$429.00

Group 5 Herbicide

Uragan is a pre-emergent soil residual herbicide that controls more than 20 grass and broadleaf weeds. Depending on the application rate, soil type and rainfall, Uragan can provide residual weed control for up to 12 months, reducing the need to re-treat fencelines. At higher application rates, residual weed control beyond 12 months is possible. As a Group C herbicide, it is ideal for use in herbicide resistance management programs to control glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass and feathertop Rhodes grass. Uragan is highly compatible with non-selective knockdown herbicides, including glyphosate, paraquat and glufosinate, to enable one-pass knockdown and residual weed control.

Key Features:

  • Robust control - Uragan controls key grass and broadleaf weeds for up to 12 months, reducing the need to re-treat fencelines.
  • Broad spectrum - Uragan controls more than 20 grass and broadleaf weeds, including annual ryegrass, barley grass, brome grass, caltrop, feathertop Rhodes grass, flax-leaf fleabane, sowthistle and windmill grass.
  • Group C herbicide - Uragan is ideal for use in herbicide resistance management programs to control glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass.
  • Highly compatible - Uragan is highly compatible with non-selective knockdown herbicides, including glyphosate, paraquat and glufosinate, to enable one-pass knockdown and residual weed control.

Maximising Performance:

If weeds are already present, Uragan should be applied in combination with a non-selective knockdown herbicide, such as Wipe-Out® (glyphosate), glufosinate or Spraytop® (paraquat). For best results, add a non-ionic surfactant (Wetspray® 1000) at 100 mL/100 L (0.1% v/v) of spray solution. Apply within 10 weeks of germination of winter weeds. Long-term residual control may not be as effective if heavy organic matter loads prevent the active ingredient from reaching the soil or root zone. Best results will be achieved if rain occurs within a week of application.

Adama Uragan WG 5kg. Bromacil Sale price$429.00

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