Adama Flagship 20L. Fluroxypyr
Group 4 Herbicide
Adama Flagship 20L is a high-performance selective herbicide designed for effective broadleaf weed control in various cropping and pasture systems. With fluroxypyr 400 g/L, it delivers targeted action against stubborn weeds, including volunteer legumes, thistles, and climbing weeds, while being safe for established pasture and cereal crops when used as directed. Flagship is a translocated post-emergence herbicide controlling important broadleaf weeds in cereals, fallow, pastures, sorghum and non-crop situations.
Key Features:
Broad-Spectrum Control – Targets key broadleaf weeds in cereals, pasture, fallow, and non-crop areas
Flexible Application – Can be applied alone or in tank mixes for enhanced weed management
Fast & Effective – Rapid uptake ensures quick knockdown and long-lasting control
Proven Performance – Trusted by agronomists for reliable, cost-effective weed control
Maximising Performance:
Apply during active growth – Treat weeds when actively growing; avoid stressed plants.
Ensure full coverage – Use adequate spray volume to cover foliage and stems.
Follow correct mixing – Add to water first, agitate, and use an adjuvant.
Use proper equipment:
Boom Spray – 200-300 kPa pressure, flat fan nozzles.
Aerial – Minimum 35 L/ha water, 250-350 micron droplets.
Hand Gun/Knapsack – 1500-4000 L/ha, full plant coverage.
Basal Bark – Spray stems up to 30 cm high with diesel mix.
Cut Stump – Apply immediately after cutting.
Apply in good weather – Avoid strong winds, extreme heat, or rain within 1 hour.
Tank mix correctly – Compatible with 2,4-D, MCPA,; avoid alkaline mixes.
Prevent resistance – Rotate herbicides and use integrated weed management.
Follow withholding periods – No grazing for 7 days; avoid treated poisonous weeds.
Clean sprayers properly – Rinse with alkali detergent after use.
Weeds Controlled:
Bathurst Burr (Xanthium spinosum)
Noogoora Burr (Xanthium strumarium)
Blackberry Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus)
Boggabri Weed (Amaranthus macrocarpus)
Cobbler’s Pegs (Bidens pilosa)
Common Sida (Sida rhombifolia)
Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule)
Fleabane (Conyza spp.)
Hexham Scent (Melilotus) (Melilotus indicus)
Indian Hedge Mustard (Sisymbrium orientale)
Lesser Swinecress (Coronopus didymus)
Mexican Poppy (Argemone mexicana)
Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriola)
Redroot Amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Rough Poppy (Papaver hybridum)
Skeleton Weed (Suppression only) (Chondrilla juncea)
Silverleaf Nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium)
St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Spiny Emex (Doublegee, Threecorner Jack) (Emex australis)
Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum)
Variegated Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Wild Turnip (Brassica tournefortii)
Blackberry (Rubus spp.)
Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla)
Broad-Leaved Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius)
Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora)
Chinese Apple (Chinee Apple) (Ziziphus mauritiana)
Eucalyptus spp. (including Eucalyptus camaldulensis - River Red Gum)
Gorse (Ulex europaeus)
Green Cestrum (Cestrum parqui)
Lantana (Lantana camara)
Mother-of-Millions (Bryophyllum delagoense)
Parkinsonia (Parkinsonia aculeata)
Prickly Acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica)
Privet (Ligustrum spp.)
Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia)
Tropical Soda Apple (Solanum viarum)
Wild Tobacco Tree (Solanum mauritianum)
Translocated post-emergence herbicide controlling important broadleaf weeds in cereals, fallow, pastures, sorghum and non-crop situations.
400g/L Fluroxypyr
Please refer to the label for specific situations and application rates.
Registered for the following cultures:
* Pasture - 0.038 - 2.5 l
* Sorghum - 250 - 500 ml
* Corn - 250 - 500 ml
* Sweet corn - 250 - 500 ml
* Millet- 250 - 750 ml
* Winter wheat - 250 - 750 ml
* Winter barley - 250 - 750 ml
* Winter oats - 250 - 750 ml
* Winter triticale- 250 - 750 ml
* Sugarcane - 0 ml
* Alfalfa - 250 ml
* Poppies - 500 - 750 ml
Please refer to the label for full list of weeds controlled.
Weeds Controlled
Broadleaf Weeds =====
Bathurst Burr (Xanthium spinosum)
Noogoora Burr (Xanthium strumarium)
Blackberry Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus)
Boggabri Weed (Amaranthus macrocarpus)
Cobbler’s Pegs (Bidens pilosa)
Common Sida (Sida rhombifolia)
Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule)
Fleabane (Conyza spp.)
Hexham Scent (Melilotus) (Melilotus indicus)
Indian Hedge Mustard (Sisymbrium orientale)
Lesser Swinecress (Coronopus didymus)
Mexican Poppy (Argemone mexicana)
Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriola)
Redroot Amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Rough Poppy (Papaver hybridum)
Skeleton Weed (Suppression only) (Chondrilla juncea)
Silverleaf Nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium)
St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Spiny Emex (Doublegee, Threecorner Jack) (Emex australis)
Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum)
Variegated Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Wild Turnip (Brassica tournefortii)
Woody and Brush Weeds =====
Blackberry (Rubus spp.)
Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla)
Broad-Leaved Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius)
Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora)
Chinese Apple (Chinee Apple) (Ziziphus mauritiana)
Eucalyptus spp. (including Eucalyptus camaldulensis - River Red Gum)
Gorse (Ulex europaeus)
Green Cestrum (Cestrum parqui)
Lantana (Lantana camara)
Mother-of-Millions (Bryophyllum delagoense)
Parkinsonia (Parkinsonia aculeata)
Prickly Acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica)
Privet (Ligustrum spp.)
Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia)
Tropical Soda Apple (Solanum viarum)
Wild Tobacco Tree (Solanum mauritianum)
Summary of the Adama Flagship 400 EC Herbicide Label
The Adama Flagship™ 400 EC Herbicide is a Group 4 Herbicide containing 400 g/L Fluroxypyr (as methylheptyl ester) for the control of broadleaf and woody weeds in fallow, lucerne, maize, millets, pastures, poppies, sorghum, sugarcane, sweet corn, winter cereals, and non-crop areas.
1. Product Information
Product Name: Flagship™ 400 EC Herbicide
Active Constituent: 400 g/L Fluroxypyr (as Methylheptyl Ester)
316 g/L Hydrocarbon Liquid (81272/126355A)
344 g/L Hydrocarbon Liquid (81272/126355C)
100 g/L N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone
Formulation Type: Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Herbicide Group: Group 4 (Disruptors of Plant Cell Growth)
Pack Sizes Available: 1 L – 1000 L
APVMA Approval Number: 81272/126355A, 81272/126355B, 81272/126355C
2. Directions for Use
Do not apply to stressed plants.
Ensure thorough foliage and stem coverage.
Do not spray if rain is expected within 1 hour.
Application Methods:
High Volume Spray
Basal Bark and Cut Stump Treatment
Broadcast and Aerial Application
Low Volume, High Concentrate Spray
Boom Spray
Knapsack Application
Crops and Situations:
Agricultural Non-Crop Areas
Commercial and Industrial Areas
Winter Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale)
Sorghum, Maize, Millets, and Sweet Corn
Poppies (Tasmania Only)
3. Weeds Controlled
Broadleaf and Woody Weeds including:
Bathurst Burr, Noogoora Burr, Blackberry Nightshade, Black Bindweed, Cobbler’s Pegs, Lantana, Prickly Acacia, Mother-of-Millions, Silverleaf Nightshade, St John’s Wort, and many others.
Weed Growth Stages: Recommended for seedlings, young plants, or regrowth up to specific heights.
4. Withholding Periods (WHP)
Crops & Pastures: Do not graze or cut for 7 days after application.
Poppies: Do not spray later than 10 weeks before harvest.
Other Crops: Not required when used as directed.
5. Minimum Recropping Periods
Plant-Back Periods for Crops Following Flagship™ 400 EC Application
Barley, Wheat, Chickpeas: 7 days
Cotton: 14-28 days (depending on rate)
Soybean, Sunflower: 7-14 days
Maize, Sorghum: Follow specific recommendations.
6. Mixing and Compatibility
Mixing Instructions:
Water-Based Sprays: Half-fill spray tank, add Flagship™ 400 EC, agitate continuously.
Diesel-Based Sprays: For basal bark and cut stump applications.
Tank Mixing Order: Wettable powders → Suspension concentrates → Soluble salts → Emulsifiable concentrates → Oils/Surfactants.
Compatible Herbicides:
Farmozine®, Lynx®, Eclipse*, Safari® 750, Victory® 600, MCPA, Wipe-Out® Pro, 2,4-D, 2,4-DB.
Oils & Surfactants:
Use Uptake® Spraying Oil (500 mL/100L) or Hotwire® Spraying Oil.
Non-Ionic Surfactants (e.g., Wetspray® 1000) (100 mL/100 L).
7. Application Methods & Water Rates
Ground Application (Boom)
Apply in 50+ L/ha water (100-400 L/ha for sugarcane).
Use flat-fan nozzles at 200-300 kPa pressure.
Aerial Application
Minimum of 35 L/ha water (60 L/ha for sugarcane).
Droplet Volume Mean Diameter (VMD): 250-350 microns.
Woody Weed Applications
High Volume Spray (Hand Gun/Knapsack):
Apply 1500-4000 L/ha.
Ensure complete foliage and stem coverage.
Low Volume, High Concentrate (Drench Gun/Gas Gun):
Apply 50 mL per 5m² of bush surface area.
Basal Bark Treatment (Diesel Mix):
Spray stems from ground level up to 30 cm height.
Cut Stump Treatment:
Apply immediately after cutting.
8. Spray Equipment Cleanup
Water-Based Sprays:
Rinse system thoroughly.
Use alkali detergent (e.g., Surf®, Omo®, Drive®).
Diesel-Based Sprays:
Use degreaser (e.g., Caltex Kwik-D-Grease®).
Follow with alkali detergent wash.
9. Resistant Weed Management
Group 4 Herbicide: Resistance may develop.
Rotate with different mode-of-action herbicides.
Use integrated weed management practices.
10. Protection Measures
Crops, Native & Non-Target Plants
Susceptible crops include clovers, cotton, fruit trees, vines, vegetables, sunflowers, tobacco.
Do not allow spray drift.
Livestock Protection
Poisonous weeds may become more palatable after spraying.
Keep stock out of treated areas until weeds have died down.
Wildlife & Environmental Protection
Do not contaminate streams, rivers, or waterways.
Only treat noxious weeds near water sources.
11. Storage & Disposal
Store in original container in cool, well-ventilated area.
Triple rinse containers before disposal.
Recycled Containers: Acceptable at drumMUSTER collection sites.
Non-Recycled Containers: Dispose at approved waste facilities.
Refillable Containers: Return to point of supply.
12. Safety & First Aid
Irritant to skin and eyes.
Protective Equipment (PPE):
Cotton overalls (buttoned to neck & wrist).
PVC gloves.
Face shield or goggles.
First Aid:
If swallowed: Do NOT induce vomiting.
If in eyes: Rinse immediately with water.
Call Poisons Information Centre (Australia: 13 11 26).
Greenway Weed Solutions has a distribution centre in QLD only. All orders, Australia-wide will be shipped from this location.
Shipping is free on all online orders. Bulk purchase shipping rates are determined by total order weight and delivery location.
Pickups are available from the QLD warehouse. Updates to product availability in other Australian warehouses are upcoming.
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