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Adama Exonerate 5L. Glufosinate-ammonium

Sale price$144.00

Group 10 Herbicide

Exonerate® is a soluble liquid formulation of glufosinate ammonium 200 g/L that provides consistent and cost effective weed control in commercial and industrial areas and rights of way situations Exonerate® is formulated as a convenient, easy to handle liquid and can be tank-mixed with other herbicides to assist in speed of knockdown and even wider weed control spectrum Exonerate® is registered to control over 80 species of grasses and broadleaved weeds.

Key Features:

  • Broad Spectrum Weed Control
  • Exonerate® is a soluble liquid formulation that is compatible with most commonly herbicides used in non-crop situations
  • Exonerate® is an ideal product for path and garden edging or footpath and curbside edging
  • Ideal Resistance Management tool.

Key Benefits:

  • Controls over 80 grass and broadleaf weeds
  • Exonerate® can be tank mixed to target both knockdown and residual weed control in the one pass allowing to manage harder to kill weeds and save time and application costs
  • One product will cover a large range of turf species
  • Reduces reliance on Glyphosate. Exonerate® can be used as a rotational tool.

How to get the best results:

  • Weed stage of growth: Use the lower rate when weeds are young and succulent (grasses: pre-tillering; broadleaves: cotyledons to 4-leaf) or the population is very sparse. A median rate should be used for medium sized plants (grasses: tillering; broadleaves: 4-leaf to advanced vegetative) and the high rate should be used when weeds are mature.
  • Weed density: Use the higher rates when the weed population is dense. Thorough coverage of weeds is essential for good control.
  • Perennial weeds: Apply when weeds are actively growing. Follow-up treatments will be necessary to control re-growth of perennial weeds in most cases.
  • Climatic conditions: Best results are achieved when applied under warm humid conditions. Control will be reduced and/or slower under cold conditions and/or overcast conditions. Good results will be achieved under most other conditions, however poor results may occur under hot dry conditions (temperature above 33ºC with a relative humidity below 50%). Weeds that have been hardened or stunted in growth due to stressed conditions should be treated at the maximum rate.
Adama Exonerate 5L. Glufosinate-ammonium
Adama Exonerate 5L. Glufosinate-ammonium Sale price$144.00

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