For the control of tree weeds and unwanted tree plants in forestry, pasture, commercial, industrial and public service areas.
Capsules are inserted directly into the trunk ensuring an effective kill with no adverse effects on the surrounding environment.
Di-Bak G is available in 40, 200 or 1000 capsules packsizes for insertion into the Injecta gun and Spare Magazine.
Group 5, 9, 34, 14 Herbicide
Numchuk Quad is a non-selective knockdown and residual herbicide featuring ‘Quad Control Herbicide Technology’ to provide effective post and pre emergence weed control for up to 12 months. Numchuk Quad is registered to control most annual, perennial and broadleaf weeds in commercial and industrial areas including rights of way, roadsides, railway lines, guideposts, powerlines and substations, aerodromes, public utilities and fence lines.
Maximising Performance:
- Don’t apply if heavy rains or storms that are likely to cause runoff are forecasted within 3 days. Avoid application to waterlogged soils.
- Don’t apply with spray droplets smaller than a course spray droplet size.
- Avoid application when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20 kilometers per hour, as measured at the application site.
- Do not apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site.
- For best results add 120mL/100L of water of a suitable adjuvant / surfactant.
- Application should give 8-12 months effective weed control. Duration and effectiveness of control depends on the amount of chemical applied, soil type, rainfall, weed species and other conditions. Sufficient rainfall (20 to 30 mm either as rainfall or irrigation) to wet the soil through the weed root zone is necessary within 2-3 weeks of application to make the product effective. A delay in rainfall beyond 3 weeks may result in weeds germinating from depth and surviving. Heavy rainfall on light soils may cause movement of the herbicide out of the weed seed zone, resulting in reduced weed control
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