Common Name
Dyschoriste, Butterfly heaven, Snakeherb
Scientific Name
Dyschoriste oblongifolia
Seasons of Growth
Key Distinguishing Feature
Low-growing herb with purple, funnel-shaped flowers
The growth and flowering patterns of Dyschoriste species can vary among different species, but they often grow during the warmer seasons.
• Growth Form: Dyschoriste species can vary in growth form and size. They can be herbaceous perennials, subshrubs, or small shrubs.
• Leaves: The leaves of Dyschoriste species can vary in shape and size. They are typically opposite and may have serrated or entire margins.
• Flowers: The flowers of Dyschoriste species also vary in appearance, with different species producing flowers of various colours and shapes.
• Habitat: Dyschoriste species are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, woodlands, and disturbed areas. They are native to different regions, including the Americas.
Ecological Impact:
• The ecological impact of Dyschoriste species can vary depending on the specific species and its native or invasive status in a particular region. Some species may be valued for their ornamental qualities, while others may have invasive tendencies in certain areas.
Control Methods:
• Control methods for Dyschoriste species, if needed, would depend on the specific species and its status in a particular region.
• In some cases, species that are considered invasive may be subject to control measures to prevent their spread. These measures could include mechanical methods such as cutting or herbicide application.
• Herbicides may be used for control, but care must be taken to use them safely and effectively, following local regulations.
Since Dyschoriste encompasses multiple species with varying characteristics and ecological roles, specific control methods and ecological impacts would need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis for individual species within the genus.
Products to Control:
Adama Flagship Herbicide Fluroxypyr
Corteva Garlon 600 Herbicide Triclopyr
Adama Quali-Pro Crest Herbicide Florasulam Fluroxypyr
Additional Images:
Image 1: Dyschoriste, Dyschoriste depressa - Weed Identification - Juvenile flowers and leaves
Image 2: Dyschoriste, Dyschoriste depressa - Weed Identification - Up close leaves
Image 3: Dyschoriste, Dyschoriste depressa - Weed Identification - Leaves
Image 4: Dyschoriste, Dyschoriste depressa - Weed Identification - Juvenile Flowers and leaves
Image 5: Dyschoriste, Dyschoriste depressa - Weed Identification - Up close flowers